@if ($operation_id) Manage {{ Str::singular($operation_type_title) }} - {{ $name }} @else Create {{ Str::singular($operation_type_title) }} @endif

@if ($builderidx) Back to Builder | @endif Back to Grid
@if($isOpen) @include('livewire.media.upload') @endif
{{ $crud }} {{ $crud }} and Return
{{ Str::singular($operation_type_title) }} Details
@error('name') {{ $message }} @enderror
@error('sortcode') {{ $message }} @enderror
@if (!isset($this->operation_type_id))
@foreach($operation_type_list as $operation_type) @endforeach @error('operation_type_id') {{ $message }} @enderror
@error('description') {{ $message }} @enderror
@foreach($operation_category_list as $operation_category) @if ($operation_category->parent > 0) @endif @foreach ( $operation_category->children as $operation_subcategory ) @foreach ( $operation_subcategory->children as $operation_subsubcategory ) @endforeach @endforeach @endforeach @push('scripts') @endpush
@if ($this->operation_type_id == 2)
@foreach($supplier_list as $supplier) @endforeach @push('scripts') @endpush
@endif @if (in_array($this->operation_type_id, [3]))
@foreach($machine_list as $machine) @endforeach
@foreach($employee_list as $employee) @endforeach
@foreach($location_list as $location) @endforeach
@if ($operation_id)
Inventory & Media
Location Photos
@foreach($this->operation->media->where('media_type_id','3') as $media)

{{ $media->name }}
{{ Str::singular($operation_type_title) }} Photos
@foreach($this->operation->media->where('media_type_id','1') as $media)

{{ $media->name }}
{{ Str::singular($operation_type_title) }} Documents
    @foreach($this->operation->media->where('media_type_id','2') as $media)
  1. @php $showVideoLink = false; if ($media->external == 1) { $path = $media->path; } else { $path = "/".$media->path; } $tmp = explode('.', $path); $pathType = strtolower(end($tmp)); if (in_array($pathType, ["mp4", "mov", "oog"])) { $showVideoLink = true; } @endphp {{ $pathType }} @if ($media->name) {{ $media->name }} @else {{ $media->path }} @endif @if ($showVideoLink) @endif
  2. @endforeach

Video Player

Tools & Consumables
@foreach($product_fi_list as $productitem) @endforeach
Name Sku Sort Code Qty Cost Action @foreach($tools as $tool) {{ $tool->name }} {{ $tool->sku }} {{ $tool->sortcode }} @if ($tool->operations->first()) @livewire('component.edit-field',['id'=>$tool->operations->first() ->pivot->id,'object'=>'ProductOperation','field'=>'qty'], key(rand() * $tool->operations->first() ->pivot->id)) @endif {{ $tool->cost }} @if ($tool->operations->first()) @endif @endforeach
Name Sku Sort Code Cost Action @foreach($products as $product) {{ $product->name }} {{ $product->sku }} {{ $product->sortcode }} {{ $product->cost }} @endforeach
@else Please Save Operation before entering Location and Media @endif